Our specialist services:
Temporary works
Temporary works design is increasingly being recognised as one of the most critical aspects of any construction project.
The importance, and indeed the benefits, of identifying a project’s temporary works requirements in advance has resulted in many contractors seeking out experienced temporary works designers from the outset of a project.
BS 5975:2008 is the base standard for the design and checking requirements for temporary works and the definition of the appropriate level of competence and independence. This standard is consistent with those of the Highways Agency (BD2) and many industry-leading contractors internal working practices.
We have an extensive track record in the provision of temporary works design. Our experienced engineers are able to provide advice, design and checking services for a range of temporary works, and along with our extensive Civil, Structural and Geoenvironmental experience, we can provide advice on the most efficient way to tackle any temporary works issue in isolation or as part of the wider project.
We strive to provide our clients with the highest level of service to ensure we deliver safe, practical and economic solutions. We work closely with our clients to develop the concept, establish a full brief and deliver their requirements.
For enquiries, contact:
Graham Ellis
Other specialist services:
BRE assessor (BREEAM)
Building retrofit
CDM principal designer/consultant services
Expert witness
Heritage engineering
Highways & infrastructure
Lead consultant
Levels analysis & earthworks
Low carbon appraisal & net zero carbon strategies
Marine engineering
Process engineering
SMART buildings
Surface water management
Thermal modelling
Timber engineering
Utility appraisals