Our specialist services:
Surface water management
Water, and the management of water, affects us all; whether it be the water we drink, dealing with rainfall, wastewater or managing and controlling the risk of flooding.
As policy and strategy harden to take account of the implications of global warming and the increased propensity for flooding, the management of water is becoming increasingly challenging, whether that be associated with new development/facilities or the regeneration of old ones. The Code for Sustainable Homes establishes some stringent controls over surface water run-off, particularly for residential development.
Our team has a thorough understanding of the issues associated with water management and provides a broad range of services to both the public and private sectors.
Water management strategies
Drainage strategies
Water Quality
Demand Estimation
Surface water
Network modelling
Drainage design and procurement
S104 Agreements
Negotiations with Environment Agency and drainage authorities
Outfalls and outfall structures
Foul drainage
Flow assessment
Negotiations with drainage authority
Drainage design and procurement
Design of package treatment works
S104 Agreements
Negotiations with Environment Agency and drainage authorities
Outfalls and outfall structures
Flood risk
Flood risk assessments
Flood compensation
For enquiries, contact:
Michael Crown
Divisional Director
Other specialist services:
BRE assessor (BREEAM)
Building retrofit
CDM principal designer/consultant services
Expert witness
Heritage engineering
Highways & infrastructure
Lead consultant
Levels analysis & earthworks
Low carbon appraisal & net zero carbon strategies
Marine engineering
Process engineering
SMART buildings
Temporary works
Thermal modelling
Timber engineering
Utility appraisals