Bodmin Road, Leeds

Value - £3.7m | Client - Esh Construction

This new affordable housing scheme comprises 32 new homes in Middleton, Leeds. We worked in partnership with Esh Construction on this land-led development.  

Delivered on behalf of Yorkshire Housing, the development provides 28 houses and four apartments with a mix of two and three bedrooms for shared ownership and affordable rent tenures. With a design that integrates into the neighbouring properties and surroundings, the houses are arranged in semi-detached terraces and the apartments are in a two-storey block, all with parking facilities.  

An existing road was upgraded to provide access into the estate and a footpath constructed to improve pedestrian safety.  

We provided civil and structural engineering design services for the construction of the buildings, including six house type designs, foundation loadings and associated foundation design, masonry superstructure design, typical build ups, along with details for external works, below ground foul and surface water gravity systems.  

The project was handed over in November 2020.


Services used:

  • Civil engineering

  • Geoenvironmental 

  • Structural engineering

  • Transport planning


Michael Crown

Divisional Director
0113 426 3434



Other residential projects:


Lynemouth Power Station, Northumberland


Ella May Barnes Building, Norwich Research Park