Our core services:
Transport planning
Transport planning underpins and acts as a catalyst for almost all development and regeneration that we see around us. By developing and applying policy and forming strategies, we play a crucial role in the design of urban, rural and community / regeneration projects; shaping the public realm and how we move through it.
Our advice can range from the straightforward production of Transport Statements / Assessments to support development proposals, to advising on the formulation of large-scale masterplans for transformational town and city-wide regeneration projects.
Our skilled staff are well versed in current and innovative methods to reduce the overall need to travel and to promote sustainable and active travel ahead of the use of the private car, with the priority goals of heath, wellbeing and safety at the forefront of all that we do.
We provide full transport planning services which include:
Policy and strategy advice
Due diligence and early-stage input
Development planning
Access, movement, and mobility studies
Parking strategies & car park design
Traffic modelling
Transport statements
Transport assessments
Travel plans (including post-occupancy TPC role)
Waste management
Discharge of planning conditions and the procurement of Sectional Agreements (e.g. S278 Agreements) and Stopping-up Orders
As a project approaches its planning submission stage we assist with the design of appropriate mitigation measures, if they are necessary, and we adopt a friendly and collaborative approach to our engagement with local authorities, statutory bodies, other key stakeholders and through our involvement at public consultation events.
Take a look at some of our work…
For enquiries, contact:
Keith York
Associate Director