DPD Delivery Office, Springfield Park, Chelmsford

Value - £8m | Client - Royal London

We provided a wide range of services for this new 60,000sqft sorting and delivery hub for Royal London and DPD UK, Europe’s largest parcel delivery network. 

We initially provided pre-planning services, including geoenvironmental services, to undertake a programme of site investigation works across the site to help inform the civil and substructure strategies. Following this, we prepared a flood risk assessment and sustainable drainage strategy for the site.  

The proposed site was part of a wider drainage strategy which had developed over the years, and a thorough assessment was required to help ensure flood risk was not being increased to existing balancing ponds. 

The structural design comprised of steel portal frames to provide a clear span warehouse, and braced steel framing to form the mess pod and office areas.  

All surface water run-off from the site needed to be controlled and therefore required a 130,000 litre attenuation tank to deal with more extreme rainfall events (100 year + 40% climate change).  


Services used:

  • Civil engineering

  • Structural engineering

  • Geoenvironmental


Oliver Matthews

Divisional Director

01603 305 190



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